Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How to Reject Your One True Love

It’s been quite a while since I wrote a blog here. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been receiving regular doses of miracles that I should be thankful for. I was actually busy with a new blessing – my new blog, Happy Faith. Anyway, as I promised to complete the Love Someone Today series, here’s Lesson 2: God Loves You More Than You Can Imagine

Lesson 2 says: “God delights in you” and you don’t have to do anything to earn His love. Many people have a hard time believing this. Maybe because they “were raised by unloving parents or in broken homes.” Or maybe they grew up with different beliefs or mindsets that block out this truth.

God loves us so much that even if we sin, He still showers us with love. But sin acts like an umbrella that prevents that downpour of love from drenching us. This in effect becomes a rejection of the One who truly loves us and who should be our One True Love, Jesus. 

The umbrella analogy reminds me of someone who gave our community quite a big headache. When he came to us, everybody tried to love him as we do with all people who come through our doors. We were also quite impressed with the way he tries to better himself.

But he had a great neediness to be loved and accepted maybe because of his disability and a painful past. That neediness soon became an umbrella that prevented him from receiving the love God wanted to shower him with through our members.

When he didn’t get his way, he slandered the people he felt were responsible. He took offense at the most miniscule or even non-existent reason. He would text blast a barrage of insults and complaints. 

People began shying away for fear they would become the next target of his attacks. It also became too much for their blood pressures to handle him. He sabotaged the very same relationships that he craved like a real estate agent who priced his property too high as if he didn’t want to sell. 

If, like this person, you are in a situation where your hard-heartedness or hard-headedness is repelling God’s outpouring of love or if your umbrella of sin is causing you to reject God, close it. Come to Jesus as you are. Let His love wash you clean. Don't reject His love; instead let it soak you. 


  1. I think I know this person yet I am not sure what happened to him. Thanks for the message Tita Lella.

  2. By God's grace, he's still there. I guess he's beginning to learn how not to reject his one true love.
