“Discord is the devil’s tool to prevent service for God from being delivered.”
This message clanged like a gong ripping through the quiet of my prayer time. It was a call to action and God’s prodding for me to write another guideline.
(Yes, Lord, I get it already. You let these things happen to hustle me into writing.)
I ignored His first poke to write this blog. The blessing of cool-headed and supportive leaders stilled turbulent waters so there was not much compulsion to write. Besides I had just written #6. God usually lets me catch my breath before He zaps me with the next guideline.
But then He sent a second poke, no erase that…call it a shake that rattled my teeth a bit (when I have to forego my rare chance of going to the gym, it’s a teeth-rattling experience). Plans for the gym were scrapped as I needed to exercise my peacemaking abilities instead.
I had to step in right away because it happened before. It was probably my fault it recurred because I was too busy to really sit down and talk with the parties involved right after the last incident.
Lesson learned: resolve issues as early as possible. When resolution is delayed or the conflict is glossed over, there is a danger that bad feelings will fester. Discord will erupt and prevent people from working together to do God’s appointed task.
John Maxwell cited St. Paul’s message from Philippians 4:2 in his Leadership devotional to stress the importance of teamwork: “I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord.” Maxwell said,” The term he uses connotes harmony. Singing in harmony doesn’t mean singing in unison. Players should play different positions on a team. Harmony means their efforts complement the efforts of others, rather than conflict with them.”
But even with the best intentions and hearts for service, discord will erupt in a community because of the human factor. There is no perfect community with perfect servants. It is then the servant leader’s task to spot discordant notes early on and take measures to restore harmony ASAP.
And there you have Guideline #7 for my Manual for Servant Leaders Who Insanely Love to Serve God Despite Harassments and Frustrations: Guard against discord by nipping it in the bud.