Saturday, October 23, 2010

Darkness and Light

We were solemnly invoking the Holy Spirit with a song. It was at the Baptism for the Feast Alabang’s 2nd Jesus Encounter (JE) last Saturday. Suddenly, I was jolted by a loud cry. It came from one of the participants in the second row. From the corner of my eye, I could see her thrashing around. I sensed it was not the Spirit moving in her so I said a silent prayer.
Later, I saw Melanie, who was in charge of the participants in that row, praying over her. More thrashing around. Melanie seemed to be having a hard time getting through to her. Bro Arun Gogna, our Feast builder, came over and helped with the pray over. It was only then that the struggle stopped. She slumped in her seat – draped over it like a carelessly flung garment. Whatever it was had been cast out and left her limp.
Towards the end of the JE, Bro Arun asked some of the participants to share their experience at the baptism in the spirit. She stood up to tell her story. She shared that before coming to the encounter, she felt a dark presence telling her not to go. At the first JE in May, she had planned to attend but was prevented by this darkness. She got physically ill. This time, she wrestled with it and was able to come into the light.

We all experience this battle between darkness and light. Sometimes to a large degree, like this JE participant, whose darkness was like a sinister cloud that enveloped her. At other times, it’s a struggle with our conscience – choosing between right and wrong. Most times, we just have small skirmishes. But our choice in these minor situations can make a difference.

I, for one, had to make a choice that morning. I had planned to go to the gym after serving in the Music Ministry. According to my well laid plan, I will sing at the worship, help distribute the snacks, attend yoga class then go back for the baptism, or not if I was too tired already. But there was a shortage of servants so I had to pinch hit as a facilitator. It was a minor thing but it was one less headache for the people in charge.

There was a choice to make between performing service and doing my asanas – to a small degree, darkness and light. I chose and felt better for exercising my spiritual muscles instead.

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